Antiproductivity update
Over the past week, I've found myself not feeling predisposed to posting anything here, somehow at the same time that I also sort of did want to post something. Weird. But then, I've never claimed I was normal, so tough.
I have done so very, very little over the weekend that could actually be considered "studying for Finance" in the vaguest, loosest definition of that phrase.
Oh, right, I never posted about my house being sold. That's right...sold. I've lived here since 1990 and it's been sold. Aurrrgh. Anyway, I never even really got around to telling anyone we were putting our house up for sale again (hell, I barely even knew about it beforehand, let alone you guys) -- we listed it with our real-estate agent (
tiffany's mom) on Friday the 15th and the deal was closed the following Tuesday. I had no idea that this time, the house would ACTUALLY be sold -- we've listed our house twice prior to this with no deals getting made, and so I've gotten quite used to having to deal with people traipsing through here to have a looksee, resulting in absolutely nothing happening. And now, apparently, my house has been sold and as of July 27th, my family will cease to own this place. Yiiiikes.
Anyway, the point of including that little expository segue, getting back to my I-was-unproductive-this-weekend train of thought, was so I could continue on by saying that today we went looking around at potential places to move to, on the waterfront (because my father really wants to have a view of the lake...personally, I'd rather move somewhere [assuming that it is, in fact, necesssary for me to move at all, which it seems like it is] that's close to a subway station -- the waterfront properties require you to take a shuttlebus or streetcar to the subway. Also, all of us get just the slightest bit dizzy looking out at all that water. Lol.) I COULD have stayed home and "studied", but frankly, I feel so studied-out that I probably would have just wasted all that time anyway. Much like I've been doing tonight, and right now. And probably tomorrow. Oh dear. It's funny, being studied-out when I haven't at all studied hard enough. I've been "reading" this same PowerPoint slide for the past hour and a half.
I've had this
engrish bootleg Two Towers screenshot image popping into my head all day:

(actual line: "You're not eating. You barely sleep.")
'Cause if I go to sleep at a decent time these days, I feel sorta guilty about it. You know, having done NOTHING before turning in for the day.
Sigh. Speaking of which, I guess I'll go and stare ineffectually at those notes I was supposed to have gotten through by now, in hopes that something will actually get learnt. Blaargh. One. More. Exam. Must. Focus. Must. Study. Must. Finish reading notes. Must. Do more problems. Better not sleep. Must stop blogging. Now.
No, now.
...Okay, now.
p.s. Happy birthday,
Suz! Also, a belated birthday shoutout to
jess belongs here, too. :)